Welcome to Zannerpalooza World Tour 2011

Welcome to Zannerpalooza World Tour 2011! As many of you know, I have the good fortune of taking a year off to travel. Please enjoy my thoughts, rants and the occasional photo from parts of the world that are new to me. Please tolerate the lack of literary genius that sprawls these pages.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Montevideo Killed the Radio Star

Hola from Montevideo!  I arrived by ferry from Buenos Aires - a quick 3 hour trip.  It's amazing that 14 months ago I didn't know where Montevideo was...and now here I am!  My ferry docked in the same port that I shipped some Flexpipe to last year. 

Statue in Plaza Independencia.
Salvo Palace - very beautiful and the tallest building in the downtown square. 
I saw this statue in a book, but nothing compares to seeing it in real life with the blue sky, green trees and warm sun.
Montevideo means "hill" and "see".  The explorer who founded the city saw the one hill of the area and said "I see a hill" and the city was therefore named Montevideo (according to my tour guide).  Literally, there is only one hill here.
The one hill that is the mont in Montevideo.

The locals pronounce it "Uruwhay" and it means the river of painted birds.  It has a beautiful promenade and many beaches along the River Plate (Rio de la Plata).  In fact, the Rio de la Plata joins the Atlantic and there is no land until you reach the South Pole.  I'll save that trip for next time.

Beaches and promenade.

Rio de la Plata.

On another note:  I really need to do some laundry before I go to Peru, and my plan is to find a laudromat.  Well...lucky me - the laundromat is right across the street from my hotel!  And, I don't have to sit there, they wash it for you.  Wahoo!  The exchange rate here is 20:1.  It feels really weird paying $450 to get your laundry done.

Laundromat "Soap" that took very good care of me.

 Tomorrow I fly to Lima, Peru.  I am excited to see where Karin and Elena are from.

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